Privacy Policy

Thank you for your interest in the services we offer.

We would like to inform you about the way we work from the point of view of data protection and ask you for your consent in the event that we process your data. Niemann attaches utmost importance to compliance with the data protection provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which apply from 25 May 2018, and the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) as amended.

In this context, protecting your data and your privacy is a matter of great importance to us. To ensure that you are fully aware of how your personal data is collected and processed by our company, please read the following information and give us your consent.

Parts of our website use so-called “cookies”. Cookies are small text files which are stored on your computer and which your browser saves. Cookies do not damage your computer or contain viruses. Cookies are used only to make our website more user-friendly, effective and secure. Parts of our website use so-called “cookies”. Cookies are small text files which are stored on your computer and which your browser saves. Cookies do not damage your computer or contain viruses. Cookies are used only to make our website more user-friendly, effective and secure. Most of the cookies we use are so-called “session cookies”. They are automatically deleted at the end of your visit.

Other “cookies” are saved on your device until you delete them. These cookies enable us to recognise your browser the next time you visit our website. You can adjust your browser so that you are informed about the use of cookies and only allow cookies in individual cases, accept cookies for certain cases or generally reject or automatically delete cookies when closing the browser. However, we would like to point out that the functionality of this website may be restricted if cookies are deactivated.

The personal data of active applicants is collected, stored and processed by us only if you actively allow us to do so during the application procedure. In this case, we are committed to the fundamental principles of data protection in accordance with Art. 5 GDPR. This means that personal data is collected only with your explicit consent (“ban unless authorisation is provided”); collection and storage take place exclusively for the approved purpose (“principle of purpose”); only data that is necessary for the permitted purpose (“data minimisation”) is collected; the data is stored on storage media that guarantees optimal protection against misuse and loss and which complies with statutory requirements (“data security”); the data is stored only for as long as is necessary for the approved purpose or until the person concerned withdraws his consent (“storage limitation”). IN CONCRETE TERMS, THIS MEANS We store and process only data needed for the services we offer, for performance of said services or for technical administration. This includes your personal details (e.g. name, address, telephone number, e-mail, date of birth, details and documents about your professional career, CV, certificates as well as details and information about your career goals, desired position, industry, salary details) or your company contact data if you contact us as a potential customer.

Data is disclosed exclusively within the framework of specific projects and only to authorised persons on the customer’s or applicant’s side. Applicants are informed to the full extent about each individual disclosure (customer, contact person, project, etc.) prior to disclosure and are naturally entitled in each individual case not to give their consent to disclosure. Data is not disclosed without your knowledge. We do not plan to send out a newsletter or other unspecific e-mails to applicants and candidates within the context of which their personal data is collected and processed. If such or similar communication measures take place in the future, they will only take place with the documented consent of the recipient, which may be withdrawn at any time.

The applicant data and applicant communications are always stored for the duration of the recruitment process and for the purpose of preserving evidence for up to six months after the end of the project. However, applicants and candidates may authorise us to store data on a permanent basis. If data is stored permanently, we will ask you at the latest before the end of 24 months whether you are still interested in having your data stored and request permission for an extension. The 24-month period is chosen because this is the length of time usually required for professional reorientation. If an applicant or candidate wishes to give his/her consent to their data being processed only for a specific recruitment project, consent is given for a period of six months.

Occasionally, we also carry out an active search for potential candidates, including searches on career networks. The search takes place only and exclusively in the “publicly accessible area” approved by the users of these career networks. If interesting candidates are found, contact is made by us. When we make contact for the first time, we clearly formulate our identity and interests so that the candidate can decide whether or not to disclose further information in addition to publicly accessible data (name, company, place of work, job title).

If a candidate is interested in a job vacancy and/or cooperating with us, our data privacy policy is sent to the candidate. Only if the latter explicitly agrees to his or her data being stored and processed to the extent described herein will we process this data in accordance with the consent. Only in exceptional cases when initial contact with the candidate is not possible do we store and/or process data without explicit consent. In such cases, we assume that data is processed in the interests of the data subject according to Art. 6 para. 1, lit. (f) GDPR at least until the time when the candidate’s interest can be clarified. We initially refrain from informing the candidate that we have obtained such personal data since it is impossible to inform the candidate at this point in time.

According to Art. 14 (5) (b) GDPR, we have hereby explained this procedure in a transparent manner and made it publicly available on our website.

We use Google Analytics to analyze website usage. The resulting data is used to optimise our website and advertising measures. Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States).

Google processes the data for website use on our behalf and is contractually obligated to take measures to ensure the confidentiality of the data processed. During your visit to our website the following data will be recorded:
• Pages viewd
• Your behviour on the pages
• Your approximate location (country and city)
• Your IP address (in abbreviated form, so that no unambiguous assignment is possible)
• Technical information such as browser, internet provider, terminal device und screen resolution
• Source of your visit (i.e. which website or advertising medium you came to us)

This data is transferred to a Google server in the USA. Google will comply with the data protection provisions of the EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement. Google Analytics stores cookies in your web browser for a period of two years since your last visit. These cookies contain a randomly generated user ID that can be used to recognize you when you visit a website in the future. The recorded data is stored together with the randomly generated user ID, which enables the evaluation of pseudonymous user profiles. These user-related data are automatically deleted after 14 months.

Other data remain stored in aggregated form indefinitely. If you do not agree with the collection, you can prevent this by installing the browser add-on once to deactivate Google Analytics.

As owner of the personal data that we process, you have extensive rights according to Art. 12 to Art. 23 GDPR. The following rights are of particular relevance to you: You can object your data and documents being stored at any time, withdraw consent that has already been given and demand deletion.

Data is otherwise deleted according to statutory provisions. On request, you can receive information at any time about any personal data we have stored about you, as well as its origin, recipients, or categories of recipients to whom this data has been disclosed and the purpose of storage.

It is possible at any time to correct and/or update any incorrect or outdated data. To assert your rights, please contact NIEMANN CONSULTA Silke Niemann Harry-Blum-Platz 2 D – 50678 Cologne FON +49 (0) 221 589 3787 0

Communication via the Internet (and e-mail) may be subject to security vulnerabilities. However, we do our utmost to protect your data. The website and other systems, but especially the personal data of customers, candidates and applicants, are protected by all reasonable technical and organisational means against loss, destruction, access, modification or distribution by unauthorised persons.

The responsible body within the meaning of the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) as amended is:
Harry-Blum-Platz 2
D – 50678 Cologne
FON +49 (0) 221 589 3787 0

If you have any questions about the way we process data, do not hesitate to contact us!
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